2nd January 2011
Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer has said that a number of proposed reforms were drawn up in a paper last year aimed at modernizing the judiciary and change the way it does business.
Sir Albert said that this is to ensure the judiciary becomes more responsive to the current demands, needs and challenges of the 21st Century.
Speaking to officially open the 2011 Legal Year, Chief Justice Sir Albert says this reform, among others, come under the fifth "State of the Judicature Report" with the aim to improve the National judiciary's performance in the delivery of judicial services to the people of Solomon Islands.
He says a number of new initiatives are proposed under the reforms which include having a separate 'administrative and financial autonomy' to make the country's Judiciary similar to PNG's Judiciary set up and experience.
Sir Albert Palmer says the proposals will enable the Judiciary to manage its own budget and expenditures based on its' own plans and priorities.
The Chief Justice says experiences in other countries show that by having its' own budget, the Court will be able to function more efficiently, effectively and independently in the delivery of judicial services and the general administration of justice as envisaged in the National Constitution.
Meanwhile Sir Albert says it is important to appreciate that this is not about a Government Department or Ministry seeking financial and administrative autonomy but a third arm of Government as an institution becoming fully independent from other two arms of government - the Executive and Legislature so that the risks of interference such as being demonstrated in recent events are minimized.
Sir Albert said that this is to ensure the judiciary becomes more responsive to the current demands, needs and challenges of the 21st Century.
Speaking to officially open the 2011 Legal Year, Chief Justice Sir Albert says this reform, among others, come under the fifth "State of the Judicature Report" with the aim to improve the National judiciary's performance in the delivery of judicial services to the people of Solomon Islands.
He says a number of new initiatives are proposed under the reforms which include having a separate 'administrative and financial autonomy' to make the country's Judiciary similar to PNG's Judiciary set up and experience.
Sir Albert Palmer says the proposals will enable the Judiciary to manage its own budget and expenditures based on its' own plans and priorities.
The Chief Justice says experiences in other countries show that by having its' own budget, the Court will be able to function more efficiently, effectively and independently in the delivery of judicial services and the general administration of justice as envisaged in the National Constitution.
Meanwhile Sir Albert says it is important to appreciate that this is not about a Government Department or Ministry seeking financial and administrative autonomy but a third arm of Government as an institution becoming fully independent from other two arms of government - the Executive and Legislature so that the risks of interference such as being demonstrated in recent events are minimized.
The status of an Opposition petition asking the Governor General to intervene in the political game and to call parliament to sit is still not clear.
The Petition was lodged by the parliamentary Opposition more than a week a go, signed by 25 M-P's.
One of the signatories to the petition, North Guadalcanal M-P and Minister for Lands and Housing Martin Sopaghe has since re-joined the government, and sworn in again to the same ministerial portfolio, only four days with the Opposition after resigning from the government.
When asked if the Government House has any comments relating to the petition, the Private Secretary said the Governor General has not indicated if he is going to comment on the issue to the media.
In the meantime, it seemed that both the government and the opposition group are still locked at 24-24.
But despite the number being equal at 24, the opposition still has confidence and today lodged a No Confidence Motion notice on the Prime Minister, at the Parliament Speaker's office, according to the Opposition Press Secretary Deli Oso.
SIBC News has not been able to confirm with the Speaker if the notice reached his office today.
The Petition was lodged by the parliamentary Opposition more than a week a go, signed by 25 M-P's.
One of the signatories to the petition, North Guadalcanal M-P and Minister for Lands and Housing Martin Sopaghe has since re-joined the government, and sworn in again to the same ministerial portfolio, only four days with the Opposition after resigning from the government.
When asked if the Government House has any comments relating to the petition, the Private Secretary said the Governor General has not indicated if he is going to comment on the issue to the media.
In the meantime, it seemed that both the government and the opposition group are still locked at 24-24.
But despite the number being equal at 24, the opposition still has confidence and today lodged a No Confidence Motion notice on the Prime Minister, at the Parliament Speaker's office, according to the Opposition Press Secretary Deli Oso.
SIBC News has not been able to confirm with the Speaker if the notice reached his office today.
Chairman of the Correctional Service's Parole Board, Philip Tegevota has resigned from the post less than three weeks after the board's controversial recommendation to release jailed North Malaita M-P Jimmy Lusibaea on license and a 95 per cent remission of his sentence.
Lusibaea was recommended for release on license with a 95 per cent remission of his two year nine month sentence just after New Year of this year.
The 95 per cent remission had effectively reduced his sentence to one month and one day allowing him to retain his parliamentary seat.
In his resignation letter addressed to the Police Minister, Mr Tegevota says reliable sources have told him that his life and safety is under serious threat.
He told the Police Minister that he cannot afford to live under threats for the next three years as Chairman of the Parole Board.
Mr Tegevota's resignation letter also says he is prepared to appear before the courts and assist to testify the basis of the Parole Board's recommendations to the Minister should the matter end up in court.
In a later interview with SIBC News, the Parole Board Chairman refused to name the source of the threats but said that he had decided to resign from the post because the government and the police cannot protect his life.
He said his resignation may meet public criticism but his life is under threat.
He also said the former Police Minister should have remained in office to explain to the nation why the Parole Board had to recommend Lusibaea's early release and the 95% remission to his sentence.
SIBC News understands that Prime Minister Danny Phillip has not appointed a Police Minister since the Ulawa-Ugi MP James Tora resigned from the portfolio.
Lusibaea was recommended for release on license with a 95 per cent remission of his two year nine month sentence just after New Year of this year.
The 95 per cent remission had effectively reduced his sentence to one month and one day allowing him to retain his parliamentary seat.
In his resignation letter addressed to the Police Minister, Mr Tegevota says reliable sources have told him that his life and safety is under serious threat.
He told the Police Minister that he cannot afford to live under threats for the next three years as Chairman of the Parole Board.
Mr Tegevota's resignation letter also says he is prepared to appear before the courts and assist to testify the basis of the Parole Board's recommendations to the Minister should the matter end up in court.
In a later interview with SIBC News, the Parole Board Chairman refused to name the source of the threats but said that he had decided to resign from the post because the government and the police cannot protect his life.
He said his resignation may meet public criticism but his life is under threat.
He also said the former Police Minister should have remained in office to explain to the nation why the Parole Board had to recommend Lusibaea's early release and the 95% remission to his sentence.
SIBC News understands that Prime Minister Danny Phillip has not appointed a Police Minister since the Ulawa-Ugi MP James Tora resigned from the portfolio.
The Government has approved a 25-million dollar rescue package to provide some 200 additional scholarships for Solomon Islands students this year.
The Office of the Prime Minister announced today that the additional scholarships were approved by Cabinet approved at its meeting on Thursday.
In a statement today, the Prime Minister’s Office said the Government funding will provide additional places for students who have had good GPAs, but could not be selected because there was no funding this year.
Only 34 scholarships were awarded initially this year.
This was due largely to failure by former Education minister to respond on time to a request by the Papua New Guinea Government that Solomon Islands indicate its requirement in terms of the number of tertiary places this year.
While the exact number for the scholarships is being worked out, the 25-million dollars rescue package will be available for both pre-service and in-service Scholarships overseas this year.
The funding will be administered by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
The Office of the Prime Minister announced today that the additional scholarships were approved by Cabinet approved at its meeting on Thursday.
In a statement today, the Prime Minister’s Office said the Government funding will provide additional places for students who have had good GPAs, but could not be selected because there was no funding this year.
Only 34 scholarships were awarded initially this year.
This was due largely to failure by former Education minister to respond on time to a request by the Papua New Guinea Government that Solomon Islands indicate its requirement in terms of the number of tertiary places this year.
While the exact number for the scholarships is being worked out, the 25-million dollars rescue package will be available for both pre-service and in-service Scholarships overseas this year.
The funding will be administered by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
The acting chief executive officer of the National Referral Hospital has reiterated the importance of undisrupted electrical power flow to the Hospital.
This came following frequent power outages experienced by the referral hospital with the recent one last Saturday lasting for almost 15 minutes.
Speaking to S-I-B-C news this afternoon, the acting CEO Dr. James Auto explained that most of today's medical equipment are powered by electricity to monitor and treat patients.
He said while records show no loss of lives due to power outages at the national referral Hospital in Honiara, this must not leave room for complacency on the importance of constant flow of electricity to the hospital.
The hospital's CEO Dr Auto confirmed that the hospital's administration is working closely with the SIEA and the Hospitals maintenance staff on how to enable the standby generator to respond quickly to power outages.
This came following frequent power outages experienced by the referral hospital with the recent one last Saturday lasting for almost 15 minutes.
Speaking to S-I-B-C news this afternoon, the acting CEO Dr. James Auto explained that most of today's medical equipment are powered by electricity to monitor and treat patients.
He said while records show no loss of lives due to power outages at the national referral Hospital in Honiara, this must not leave room for complacency on the importance of constant flow of electricity to the hospital.
The hospital's CEO Dr Auto confirmed that the hospital's administration is working closely with the SIEA and the Hospitals maintenance staff on how to enable the standby generator to respond quickly to power outages.
The Parliamentary Opposition has lodged a notice for a motion of no confidence against the government at the Parliament House.
Opposition Press Secretary Deli Oso confirms that the notice was lodged today.
Meanwhile, attempts by SIBC News to confirm whether the notice has reached parliament were unsuccessful as the speaker of parliament Sir Allan Kemakeza was not in his office this afternoon.
Opposition Press Secretary Deli Oso confirms that the notice was lodged today.
Meanwhile, attempts by SIBC News to confirm whether the notice has reached parliament were unsuccessful as the speaker of parliament Sir Allan Kemakeza was not in his office this afternoon.
Effects of Tropical Cyclone Yasi on Rennell Island in the Rennell and Bellona Province are reportedly minor, despite the cyclone being upgraded to category 3 this morning.
Rennel Bellona's Provincial Disaster Officer based at the National Disaster Management Office's National Emergency Operation Centre, Maqueen Sahonu confirmed to SIBC of getting reports from Lavangu in West Rennell through HF radio.
Mr Sahonua told SIBC that heavy showers and strong winds situation have improved since last night when the Cyclone was located south of the Island.
He says reports received so far are of minor damages such as destruction of banana and pawpaw trees and local thatched kitchens.
Meanwhile Guadalcanal's Disaster Officer Herick Savusi who visited parts of Guadalcanal Plains today confirmed that the western end of Barande Bridge sustained damage, cutting off access to communities located after the bridge which include Tasiboko, Reko and Ruavatu.
Mr Savusi says Ngalimbiu river's water levels have also risen, reaching houses situated on the eastern end of the bridge.
Similar reports of heavy rain and strong winds have also been reported for other provinces under threat which include Malaita, Temotu, and Makira.
Rennel Bellona's Provincial Disaster Officer based at the National Disaster Management Office's National Emergency Operation Centre, Maqueen Sahonu confirmed to SIBC of getting reports from Lavangu in West Rennell through HF radio.
Mr Sahonua told SIBC that heavy showers and strong winds situation have improved since last night when the Cyclone was located south of the Island.
He says reports received so far are of minor damages such as destruction of banana and pawpaw trees and local thatched kitchens.
Meanwhile Guadalcanal's Disaster Officer Herick Savusi who visited parts of Guadalcanal Plains today confirmed that the western end of Barande Bridge sustained damage, cutting off access to communities located after the bridge which include Tasiboko, Reko and Ruavatu.
Mr Savusi says Ngalimbiu river's water levels have also risen, reaching houses situated on the eastern end of the bridge.
Similar reports of heavy rain and strong winds have also been reported for other provinces under threat which include Malaita, Temotu, and Makira.
The National Disaster Management Office has activated it's National Emergency Operation Centre on standby due to Tropical Cyclone Yasi which is affecting most of the islands in the country.
NDMO's Operation Manager George Baragamu told SIBC News that the centre was activated since Sunday to closely monitor the situation and to continue to give out warnings to provinces under threat from the tropical cyclone Yasi which was this morning upgraded to a category three cyclone.
Provinces under threat include Rennell and Bellona, Makira, Temotu , Guadalcanal and Malaita.
Mr Baragamu says they are in contact with NDMO officers in all the provinces and have so far received reports from Temotu, adding that reports from other provinces are slowly coming in.
The Operations Manager says a situation report covering all provinces under threat should be ready by this afternoon.
Mr Baragamu says although they have not received reports of any damage or destruction, they are not ruling out the possibility of damages and destruction and related disasters with the category three cyclone Yasi.
NDMO's Operation Manager George Baragamu told SIBC News that the centre was activated since Sunday to closely monitor the situation and to continue to give out warnings to provinces under threat from the tropical cyclone Yasi which was this morning upgraded to a category three cyclone.
Provinces under threat include Rennell and Bellona, Makira, Temotu , Guadalcanal and Malaita.
Mr Baragamu says they are in contact with NDMO officers in all the provinces and have so far received reports from Temotu, adding that reports from other provinces are slowly coming in.
The Operations Manager says a situation report covering all provinces under threat should be ready by this afternoon.
Mr Baragamu says although they have not received reports of any damage or destruction, they are not ruling out the possibility of damages and destruction and related disasters with the category three cyclone Yasi.
The Solomon Islands Meteorological Service is currently reviewing the current weather situation with the intention of canceling the cyclone warnings over the national broadcaster SIBC later tonight.
The Meteorological Director David Hiriasia told SIBC News that tropical cyclone Yasi is continuing to move west, south-west of the country at a speed of 18 knots and this is good for Solomon Islands.
Meanwhile, people in Reef Islands and Santa Cruz in Temotu Province have been affected by King Tides as a result of the Cyclone Yasi.
Speaking to SIBC News this afternoon, Radio Temotu's Andrew Nalua says Cyclone Yasi has brought very heavy rains, strong winds, and King Tides bringing sea-level marks above normal in the Reef Islands, Pileni, Matema and Malo in Santa Cruz over the last 24 hours.
Mr Nalua says the weather has caused small trees to fall and coastal flooding in these areas but there were no serious injuries and reports of damages to properties.
He says there were no strong winds and heavy rainfall since this morning as weather is expected to get back to normal.
The Meteorological Director David Hiriasia told SIBC News that tropical cyclone Yasi is continuing to move west, south-west of the country at a speed of 18 knots and this is good for Solomon Islands.
Meanwhile, people in Reef Islands and Santa Cruz in Temotu Province have been affected by King Tides as a result of the Cyclone Yasi.
Speaking to SIBC News this afternoon, Radio Temotu's Andrew Nalua says Cyclone Yasi has brought very heavy rains, strong winds, and King Tides bringing sea-level marks above normal in the Reef Islands, Pileni, Matema and Malo in Santa Cruz over the last 24 hours.
Mr Nalua says the weather has caused small trees to fall and coastal flooding in these areas but there were no serious injuries and reports of damages to properties.
He says there were no strong winds and heavy rainfall since this morning as weather is expected to get back to normal.
Member of Parliament for North Malaita, Jimmy Lusibaea, expects to spend more than 200-thousand dollars to help pay part of students school fees from his constituency this year.
Mr Lusibaea told SIBC news the money is from the left-over Livelihood Funds allocated for North Malaita last year.
The MP says he started delivering cheques to Honiara schools today adding that by the end of this week 103-thousand dollars would have been given benefiting about 180 students in 27 schools.
This morning Mr Lusibaea and members of his Constituency Advisory Committee presented cheques to various schools in Honiara including the Solomon Islands College of Higher Education which received 38-thousand-250 dollars to support fees of 22 students.
Mr Lusibaea says the the North Malaita Constituency Development Officer is in Malu'u collecting student lists and he expects about 200 students with a similar funding of another 100-thousand dollars.
The MP says he decided to help pay half of students' school fees in forms one to seven, the College of Higher Education, vocational schools, Bible schools, and USP Solomon Islands Campus, but does not cover overseas tertiary institutions or primary education.
Mr Lusibaea says about 40 schools in Solomon Islands will benefit from the new initiative this year.
Mr Lusibaea told SIBC news the money is from the left-over Livelihood Funds allocated for North Malaita last year.
The MP says he started delivering cheques to Honiara schools today adding that by the end of this week 103-thousand dollars would have been given benefiting about 180 students in 27 schools.
This morning Mr Lusibaea and members of his Constituency Advisory Committee presented cheques to various schools in Honiara including the Solomon Islands College of Higher Education which received 38-thousand-250 dollars to support fees of 22 students.
Mr Lusibaea says the the North Malaita Constituency Development Officer is in Malu'u collecting student lists and he expects about 200 students with a similar funding of another 100-thousand dollars.
The MP says he decided to help pay half of students' school fees in forms one to seven, the College of Higher Education, vocational schools, Bible schools, and USP Solomon Islands Campus, but does not cover overseas tertiary institutions or primary education.
Mr Lusibaea says about 40 schools in Solomon Islands will benefit from the new initiative this year.
One of the country's top political commentators describes the recent political developments as not speaking well of the country's political stability.
Speaking to S-I-B-C news, Dr. John Roughan says it seems so immature how members of parliament can switch sides overnight.
He says if they claim that their moves are based on national interests or on behalf of their people, they have to prove it.
Dr Roughan also states that the recent personal attacks by the government and opposition on the media is unprofessional especially when they are individuals the people of the country call top leaders.
He describes them as more like children arguing before their parents on who is right and who is wrong.
Meanwhile Dr. Roughan explains that the people should not expect the government to implement all its policies within a six months period in office.
Speaking to S-I-B-C news, Dr. John Roughan says it seems so immature how members of parliament can switch sides overnight.
He says if they claim that their moves are based on national interests or on behalf of their people, they have to prove it.
Dr Roughan also states that the recent personal attacks by the government and opposition on the media is unprofessional especially when they are individuals the people of the country call top leaders.
He describes them as more like children arguing before their parents on who is right and who is wrong.
Meanwhile Dr. Roughan explains that the people should not expect the government to implement all its policies within a six months period in office.
Members of Parliament should show leadership in politics than being hungry for power in politics.
Political Science lecturer at the University of the South Pacific Doctor Gordon Nanau says MPs must be seen to be portraying leadership and role model characters.
He says leaders must work towards achieving what is best for the nation instead of concentrating on the politics of power.
Mr Nanau says that the current politicking where leaders hop from one camp to another without real justification of what they believe to be good for the nation does not speak well of Solomon Islands as a nation.
He says after more than 30 years since independence, it is only logical that leaders be seen as mature and forward looking.
He says there's a lot of potential in the country but, these potential can only be exploited with determined leadership.
Meanwhile, a Martin from the Borderline area says the action of certain members of parliament is not making any sense.
He says despite the freedom they have in parliament, moving from one camp to another after every few days is an indication of a leader without principles.
He says it is obvious that MPs who move camps over the recent days were acting on a group decision and against their individual will.
The Borderline resident says what had transpired indicates cheap politics and leaders without principles.
Political Science lecturer at the University of the South Pacific Doctor Gordon Nanau says MPs must be seen to be portraying leadership and role model characters.
He says leaders must work towards achieving what is best for the nation instead of concentrating on the politics of power.
Mr Nanau says that the current politicking where leaders hop from one camp to another without real justification of what they believe to be good for the nation does not speak well of Solomon Islands as a nation.
He says after more than 30 years since independence, it is only logical that leaders be seen as mature and forward looking.
He says there's a lot of potential in the country but, these potential can only be exploited with determined leadership.
Meanwhile, a Martin from the Borderline area says the action of certain members of parliament is not making any sense.
He says despite the freedom they have in parliament, moving from one camp to another after every few days is an indication of a leader without principles.
He says it is obvious that MPs who move camps over the recent days were acting on a group decision and against their individual will.
The Borderline resident says what had transpired indicates cheap politics and leaders without principles.
An Australian aid adviser in Papua New Guinea has been seriously injured in a violent car-jacking in Port Moresby.
A spokesperson for the Australian High Commission confirmed the victim, a man in his 50s, worked for Australia's aid program.
The spokesman said the Australian man had his car stolen in a car-jacking on Thursday evening in Port Moresby, where sustained serious injuries during the assault.
The man was discharged from Port Moresby Hospital on Friday and flew to Brisbane for farther treatment.
The spokesman would not disclose any more details for privacy reasons but said PNG police were investigating.
AAP also understands that at the weekend another Australian official was involved in an unsuccessful car-jacking by a gang of youths.
The attacks occurred in the same time frame as a fierce tribal fight in Port Moresby that left five men dead with scores more admitted to hospital with knife wounds.
The fight erupted at a popular market on Thursday afternoon but retaliation attacks continued until Sunday.
Chief Superintendent Tondop called for calm in the wake of the “animalistic and barbaric” clashes that included a beheading and several dismembered bodies.
A spokesperson for the Australian High Commission confirmed the victim, a man in his 50s, worked for Australia's aid program.
The spokesman said the Australian man had his car stolen in a car-jacking on Thursday evening in Port Moresby, where sustained serious injuries during the assault.
The man was discharged from Port Moresby Hospital on Friday and flew to Brisbane for farther treatment.
The spokesman would not disclose any more details for privacy reasons but said PNG police were investigating.
AAP also understands that at the weekend another Australian official was involved in an unsuccessful car-jacking by a gang of youths.
The attacks occurred in the same time frame as a fierce tribal fight in Port Moresby that left five men dead with scores more admitted to hospital with knife wounds.
The fight erupted at a popular market on Thursday afternoon but retaliation attacks continued until Sunday.
Chief Superintendent Tondop called for calm in the wake of the “animalistic and barbaric” clashes that included a beheading and several dismembered bodies.
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