Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Solomontimes Online News Update

Solomontimes Online News,
26 January 2011

Opposition Increases Number to 25

The Danny Philip led-government is facing a serious challenge from the Opposition group with the resignation of Police Minister James Tora.

Government House Private Secretary, Nigel Maezama, confirmed yesterday that police minister, James Tora, submitted his resignation letter to the Governor General's Office yesterday afternoon.

Tora's resignation means the Opposition now has 25 MPs, while the Government has 23 MPs.

On the question of what options the Prime Minister has, Mr Maezama says there are two options open for the Prime Minister.

"The Prime Minister may opt to resign if he knows that he does not have the numbers, or call a Parliament meeting so that Parliamentarians go through the budget or a vote of no confidence," said Mr Maezama. 

"But the Opposition should know that the government controls Parliament business...Government House is monitoring the situation closely."

Mr Maezama has also confirmed that the Parliamentary Opposition also submitted a petition to the Government General to summon parliament.

It is understood that the Opposition plans to hold a media conference today to explain the details of the petition it submitted to Government House. 

Despite what appears to be a numerical advantage to the Opposition an insider says it is still a very slim margin. "So it can go either way, despite all the resignations it is still possible for members of the opposition to also cross the floor and join the government."

Lusibaea's Sentence Reduced to One Month

The Member of Parliament for North Malaita's two year nine month sentence imposed last year by the High Court has been reduced to one month one day, after being granted a 95 percent remission by the Minister for Police and National Security.

Speaker of Parliament Sir Allan Kemakeza explains that the Minister granted Mr Lusibaea further remission under Section 38 of the Correctional Service Act and Regulation 198 of the Correctional Service Regulation.

Sir Allan says this is in addition to a one third remission to the sentence imposed by the High Court, granted under section 37 of the Correctional Services act.

Sir Allan says because the effective sentence is now one month and one day, Mr Lusibaea can still perform functions and responsibilities as a Parliament member as the sentence is less than six months. 

The Speakers says under the constitution, an MP is required to vacant his or her seat if the sentence imposed by court is six months or more. "But the situation of Mr Lusibaea has now changed."

Meanwhile, Sir Allan says the Police Minister exercised his powers under relevant laws and that he as the Speaker does not have the legal mandate to decide otherwise.

On the question of whether the Minister had exercised his discretionary power in a lawful manner, Sir Allan says it is a matter for the courts to decide as it is "within their jurisdiction to make a decision on such matters."

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